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Tag: wisdom

Rage and Rioting; What is the Wise Response?

Rage and Rioting; What is the Wise Response?

Recent events have left many of us reeling. The onset of a global pandemic, a shutdown of multiple systems of life and society, halted worship services, and intense political tensions have our nation on the edge of economic and social collapse. Now, with the recent […]

Helping Others Without Handicapping Them

Helping Others Without Handicapping Them

I’ve recently been asked how one can determine when to help others, especially when it isn’t clear whether we should or not. It is a difficult question.    As Christians, we are often moved and indeed commanded to help others in need, but we must […]

The Power of Forgiveness

The Power of Forgiveness

Both women had experienced inexplicable pain in life. Margaret was angry and bitter over yet another divorce and had accepted that her only recourse was to toughen up and protect herself. She became demanding, paranoid, and quite lonely, not to mention, an extraordinarily difficult co-worker. Most could guess that her caustic personality was the result of many hurts and betrayals she had suffered in relationships both professional and personal.

Grace was sexually abused by her father for over a decade despite her reporting this abuse to the one person she could trust, but who had ultimately failed to protect her— her own mother.


Breaking the Cycle of Anxiety

Breaking the Cycle of Anxiety

Anxiety Disorders affect roughly 40 million Americans according to the National Institute of Mental Health and women are 60% more likely to experience an anxiety disorder in their lifetime than men. This means that anxiety disorders (Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, […]

The Foundation For a Life of Wisdom

The Foundation For a Life of Wisdom

We all enjoy stories of hope, success, overcoming the odds, and victory over our struggles. Most of us do not see ourselves in those stories, however. They are usually other people’s stories- at least in our minds they are. We rarely see our own life […]

Finding the “Right” Path

Finding the “Right” Path

Life is often referred to as a journey. The paths we take and the decisions we make determine where we end up, but it is often difficult to find the “rightpath or even know what it looks or feels like.


“Do I pursue a relationship with this person? Should I take this job transfer? How do I lead my teenager through this issue? Where do I go to further my education? Should I quit my job and start my own business?”


Wisdom offers clarity on recognizing the best course so we do not stumble or end up in the wrong place.


Roughly twelve years ago, my husband and I desperately needed help finding our way forward as it had been clouded by loss, confusion, and painful circumstances.


Who Should YOU Listen To?

Who Should YOU Listen To?

We all need advice from time to time. We need people in our lives that can speak into dilemmas or challenges we must confront to give us insight, a different perspective, or direction. Proverbs talks a lot about the importance of having advisors and asserts: […]

The Choice to be Offended

The Choice to be Offended

Everyone today seems to be offended by something or by someone…it is the latest victim-mentality of the 20-teens, or whatever we’re supposed to call this decade of the 21st Century. You know how it goes, you do or say something, whether audibly or digitally, something […]

A Heart of Wisdom

A Heart of Wisdom

HeartDo you question what it takes to grow in wisdom? Do you find yourself doubting that YOUR life could reflect and amplify godly wisdom or wonder if you can experience the peace and blessings of being on the right path?

Moses sought a “heart of wisdom” in (Ps 90:12) and Job’s friend Elihu believed that God shows a “regard for all the wise in heart” (Job 37:24.)

So what does our heart have to do with wisdom?

Most of us think of wisdom as being associated with intelligence, experience, or discernment, not something that goes deeper, to the very heart of a person.


Healing for the Heart of America

Healing for the Heart of America

It’s no surprise that our hearts are hurting. Current events in the world and recent social and political turmoil in America have left many feeling confused, angry, and brokenhearted. It seems everywhere we turn there is criticism, argument, and overwhelming fear or negativity. And it […]