Live Wise | Live Well


Banishing Anxiety From Your Heart

Banishing Anxiety From Your Heart

You lay in bed, trying to sleep, but you can’t. The minutes fly by and soon the hours, but you can’t stop thinking– your brain is going a million miles a minute playing out scenarios, ideas, replaying past events, wondering where you went wrong. You […]

3 Keys to Choosing the Best Partner

3 Keys to Choosing the Best Partner

I have many friends with stories of pursuing their dream of business ownership. Many of those stories portray success and accomplishment, inspiring onlookers to follow their own dreams and entrepreneurial spirits. Others, however, are stories of loss, betrayal, and bitter disappointment. Some have lost their […]

How to Disarm / Dismiss Negative Critics in Your Life

How to Disarm / Dismiss Negative Critics in Your Life

My mother worked at a miserable job for ten years. She described her boss as an arrogant, unhappy man as she was subject to humiliation and horrific verbal abuse, expected to operate then-new computers with absolutely no training, often suppressed her physical needs for breaks […]

The Way to Wisdom Podcast – Episode 12: Wisdom for Women

The Way to Wisdom Podcast – Episode 12: Wisdom for Women

Welcome to “The Way To Wisdom Podcast” with Tracie Dawson. A podcast dedicated finding WISDOM in the Choices We Make and the Paths We Take! Today’s Topic – Wisdom for Women 1. Subscribe in iTunes (Search “The Way to Wisdom” or plug in this URL […]

“Building” Self Esteem

“Building” Self Esteem

Wanna hear something crazy? When my son arrived home from school the other day he walked in the front door and without stopping or hardly completing his usual hello! and walked right out the back door. I waited a few minutes to see where he […]

New Podcast – The Way to Wisdom Episode 05 – Child Rearing

New Podcast – The Way to Wisdom Episode 05 – Child Rearing

Welcome to “The Way To Wisdom Podcast” with Tracie Dawson. A podcast dedicated finding WISDOM in the Choices We Make and the Paths We Take! Today’s Topic – Parenting (Child Rearing)  1. Subscribe in iTunes (Search “The Way to Wisdom” or plug in this URL […]

Training our Children…

Training our Children…

We all want the best for our children, right?  Never have I heard, “I hope you grow up aimless. I hope you make the same or worse mistakes than I have made. I really hope you have to wrestle with doubt throughout your entire life.” […]