Live Wise | Live Well


The REAL Reason Behind the Increased Crime

The REAL Reason Behind the Increased Crime

  If you haven’t noticed, there’s been a huge increase in violence and criminal behavior over this last year. Since the spring of 2020, in various cities we have seen social upheaval, riots and demonstrations, occupation and destruction of public property, looting, increased shootings, and […]

Rage and Rioting; What is the Wise Response?

Rage and Rioting; What is the Wise Response?

Recent events have left many of us reeling. The onset of a global pandemic, a shutdown of multiple systems of life and society, halted worship services, and intense political tensions have our nation on the edge of economic and social collapse. Now, with the recent […]

Sex Scandals and the Importance of Healthy Church Leadership

Sex Scandals and the Importance of Healthy Church Leadership

In early December (2018), as churches prepared for Christmas celebrations, proclaiming the joy of Christ’s birth, an article in the Star-Telegram in Ft. Worth, TX exposed a dark, horrifying secret. The article revealed how hundreds of sex abuse allegations in fundamental Baptist churches have gone unreported […]

Helping Others Without Handicapping Them

Helping Others Without Handicapping Them

I’ve recently been asked how one can determine when to help others, especially when it isn’t clear whether we should or not. It is a difficult question.    As Christians, we are often moved and indeed commanded to help others in need, but we must […]

How To NEVER FAIL Your Child…

How To NEVER FAIL Your Child…

Mothers, co-laborers, baby poolers and carpoolers, those who work outside of the home and those who stay and work in the home, those nesting or sweeping clean an emptied nest…Happy Mother’s Day! As I talk to countless mothers, one common fear among us surfaces quite […]

10 Easy Phrases to Teach/ Empower Your Preschooler

10 Easy Phrases to Teach/ Empower Your Preschooler

One evening last fall, I was driving our 13, 11, and 2-year-old home from an activity and little one was cranky, tired, and in desperate need of who-knows-what…When that couldn’t be found she resorted to mumbling and sputtering every word she could think of—  crying […]

Paying the Price for the Breakdown of Wisdom

Paying the Price for the Breakdown of Wisdom

Which values do you think make for a thriving and productive society? Would you say it’s things like hard work, integrity, meaningful relationships, and compassion that create a healthy and prosperous society? Or do you believe that laziness, infidelity, disrespect, and substance abuse are the […]

10 Things We Tell Our Children About Violence in the World -Part 3

10 Things We Tell Our Children About Violence in the World -Part 3

We have been talking about violence in the world today in my last 2 posts and I must admit, it can be very overwhelming and hard to remain positive or hopeful with new reports of violence daily. We know more about what is happening in our local […]

10 Things We Tell Our Children About Violence in the World-Part 2

10 Things We Tell Our Children About Violence in the World-Part 2

Keeping up with current events can be frightening. There are new reports of violence, murder, abuse, and devastation each and every day. Sensational stories receive the most attention and to an alert and watching child, they may cause fear and anxiety in their young, impressionable mind. […]

10 Things We Tell Our Children About Violence in the World-Part 1

10 Things We Tell Our Children About Violence in the World-Part 1

Recently, another heartbreaking event occurred. A church massacre left 26 dead and 20 more wounded. And now there has been another school shooting. And unfortunately, we can probably expect more.   We take to social media with comments like, “What do we tell our children? […]