Live Wise | Live Well


When Your Mountain Won’t Move

When Your Mountain Won’t Move

If you have been struggling to hear God, to know where He wants to you go, what He wants you to do, and you have been praying, seeking, and patiently waiting, then maybe there is something wrong. If you are standing at the foot of […]

Banishing Anxiety From Your Heart

Banishing Anxiety From Your Heart

You lay in bed, trying to sleep, but you can’t. The minutes fly by and soon the hours, but you can’t stop thinking– your brain is going a million miles a minute playing out scenarios, ideas, replaying past events, wondering where you went wrong. You […]

Wisdom Brief

Wisdom Brief

“You are coding your clients’ time incorrectly.” “There is a better way to address this problem with your toddler.” “This expense is not allowed…” “You are manipulating your husband…” “The word you are using does not mean what you think it means.” “Reconnecting with this […]

Who Should YOU Listen To?

Who Should YOU Listen To?

We all need advice from time to time. We need people in our lives that can speak into dilemmas or challenges we must confront to give us insight, a different perspective, or direction. Proverbs talks a lot about the importance of having advisors and asserts: […]

Where the “Fault” Lies…

Where the “Fault” Lies…

We were “bosom buddies.” She and I attended church together and school as well.  My mother tells stories of how we met in the crib in the nursery at church.  Every special childhood memory of mine has her somewhere involved in it.  We were the kind […]

To Share or Not To Share

To Share or Not To Share

Few things get me roiled quite like a good ol’ church bashing blog post by someone claiming to be a former leader, teacher, elder, or God-forbid a pastor that has become disenchanted by their church for some reason or another. This type of blog rears its […]

How to Disarm / Dismiss Negative Critics in Your Life

How to Disarm / Dismiss Negative Critics in Your Life

My mother worked at a miserable job for ten years. She described her boss as an arrogant, unhappy man as she was subject to humiliation and horrific verbal abuse, expected to operate then-new computers with absolutely no training, often suppressed her physical needs for breaks […]

New Podcast: The Way to Wisdom Episode 6 – Wisdom in Friendships

New Podcast: The Way to Wisdom Episode 6 – Wisdom in Friendships

Welcome to “The Way To Wisdom Podcast” with Tracie Dawson. A podcast dedicated finding WISDOM in the Choices We Make and the Paths We Take! Today’s Topic – Wisdom in Friendships 1. Subscribe in iTunes (Search “The Way to Wisdom” or plug in this URL – […]

How to Lose Friends with Hidden Love and Kisses

How to Lose Friends with Hidden Love and Kisses

  Have you ever lost a friend and never understood what happened?  Do you feel like some friendships are tricky, if not dangerous, like navigating a mental minefield? Childhood friendships were easier.  “You’re seven?  I’m seven too!  You like purple?  So do I!  Do you […]