Live Wise | Live Well


10 EASY Phrases to Teach/ Empower Your Preschooler-2

10 EASY Phrases to Teach/ Empower Your Preschooler-2

In my last post, I described a situation familiar to most parents of young children: a seemingly ordinary drive when my two-year-old began to totally freak out. She seemed to go from 0 to 60 mph in about 5 seconds flat and none of us […]

10 Easy Phrases to Teach/ Empower Your Preschooler

10 Easy Phrases to Teach/ Empower Your Preschooler

One evening last fall, I was driving our 13, 11, and 2-year-old home from an activity and little one was cranky, tired, and in desperate need of who-knows-what…When that couldn’t be found she resorted to mumbling and sputtering every word she could think of—  crying […]

Paying the Price for the Breakdown of Wisdom

Paying the Price for the Breakdown of Wisdom

Which values do you think make for a thriving and productive society? Would you say it’s things like hard work, integrity, meaningful relationships, and compassion that create a healthy and prosperous society? Or do you believe that laziness, infidelity, disrespect, and substance abuse are the […]

10 Things We Tell Our Children About Violence in the World-Part 2

10 Things We Tell Our Children About Violence in the World-Part 2

Keeping up with current events can be frightening. There are new reports of violence, murder, abuse, and devastation each and every day. Sensational stories receive the most attention and to an alert and watching child, they may cause fear and anxiety in their young, impressionable mind. […]

10 Things We Tell Our Children About Violence in the World-Part 1

10 Things We Tell Our Children About Violence in the World-Part 1

Recently, another heartbreaking event occurred. A church massacre left 26 dead and 20 more wounded. And now there has been another school shooting. And unfortunately, we can probably expect more.   We take to social media with comments like, “What do we tell our children? […]

Why We ALL Need Wisdom

Why We ALL Need Wisdom

Never before have I ever been so terrified for a complete stranger.   He was no ordinary stranger though, he was a child.   We were gathering at an outlook on Machu Picchu, situated atop a mountain at an altitude of almost 8,000 feet, looking […]

Healing for the Heart of America

Healing for the Heart of America

It’s no surprise that our hearts are hurting. Current events in the world and recent social and political turmoil in America have left many feeling confused, angry, and brokenhearted. It seems everywhere we turn there is criticism, argument, and overwhelming fear or negativity. And it […]

To Share or Not To Share

To Share or Not To Share

Few things get me roiled quite like a good ol’ church bashing blog post by someone claiming to be a former leader, teacher, elder, or God-forbid a pastor that has become disenchanted by their church for some reason or another. This type of blog rears its […]

The Way to Wisdom Podcast Episode 9 – Tongue and Speech

The Way to Wisdom Podcast Episode 9 – Tongue and Speech

Welcome to “The Way To Wisdom Podcast” with Tracie Dawson. A podcast dedicated finding WISDOM in the Choices We Make and the Paths We Take! Today’s Topic – Tongue and Speech 1. Subscribe in iTunes (Search “The Way to Wisdom” or plug in this URL – […]

Constant Sorrows or Continual Feast?

Constant Sorrows or Continual Feast?

I could tell she was frantic as she came into the room scanning for a seat, but only one remained- right beside me and my baby. I smiled and invited her to join us, but immediately regretted it. She went into a barrage of questions […]