Live Wise | Live Well

Tag: Peace

10 Things We Tell Our Children About Violence in the World -Part 3

10 Things We Tell Our Children About Violence in the World -Part 3

We have been talking about violence in the world today in my last 2 posts and I must admit, it can be very overwhelming and hard to remain positive or hopeful with new reports of violence daily. We know more about what is happening in our local […]

10 Things We Tell Our Children About Violence in the World-Part 2

10 Things We Tell Our Children About Violence in the World-Part 2

Keeping up with current events can be frightening. There are new reports of violence, murder, abuse, and devastation each and every day. Sensational stories receive the most attention and to an alert and watching child, they may cause fear and anxiety in their young, impressionable mind. […]

10 Things We Tell Our Children About Violence in the World-Part 1

10 Things We Tell Our Children About Violence in the World-Part 1

photo: Jordan-whitt Unsplash

Recently, another heartbreaking event occurred. A church massacre left 26 dead and 20 more wounded. And now there has been another school shooting. And unfortunately, we can probably expect more.


We take to social media with comments like, “What do we tell our children? How do we keep them from thinking this is “normal” with new reports of violence, hatred, rioting, etc with each new week?”


Before we address this with our children, we must address this with ourselves. How are we interpreting what is happening all around us? As a Christian, I turn to the Bible to help adjust my view, my perspective on things happening in the world. If I only look from the ground level, I can be filled with fear and hopelessness. I look around and see senseless violence, hatred, and discord, and tremble in fear for my self and my family. But when I pull back to the bigger picture, with a different perspective I find understanding, power, and hope.

What I am talking about is a Biblical world view— seeing the world, people


Banishing Anxiety From Your Heart

Banishing Anxiety From Your Heart

You lay in bed, trying to sleep, but you can’t. The minutes fly by and soon the hours, but you can’t stop thinking– your brain is going a million miles a minute playing out scenarios, ideas, replaying past events, wondering where you went wrong. You […]

Resting in Peace

Resting in Peace

A few nights ago, I had trouble getting to sleep…I mean TROUBLE! Everything was wrong…the room was too warm, my pillow too hard, the covers too heavy, and my mind- I just couldn’t shut it down. It was speeding into overdrive imagining every possible thing that […]

A Heart of Wisdom

A Heart of Wisdom

HeartDo you question what it takes to grow in wisdom? Do you find yourself doubting that YOUR life could reflect and amplify godly wisdom or wonder if you can experience the peace and blessings of being on the right path?

Moses sought a “heart of wisdom” in (Ps 90:12) and Job’s friend Elihu believed that God shows a “regard for all the wise in heart” (Job 37:24.)

So what does our heart have to do with wisdom?

Most of us think of wisdom as being associated with intelligence, experience, or discernment, not something that goes deeper, to the very heart of a person.


Constant Sorrows or Continual Feast?

Constant Sorrows or Continual Feast?

I could tell she was frantic as she came into the room scanning for a seat, but only one remained- right beside me and my baby. I smiled and invited her to join us, but immediately regretted it. She went into a barrage of questions […]