Live Wise | Live Well

Tag: Parenting

How To NEVER FAIL Your Child…

How To NEVER FAIL Your Child…

Mothers, co-laborers, baby poolers and carpoolers, those who work outside of the home and those who stay and work in the home, those nesting or sweeping clean an emptied nest…Happy Mother’s Day! As I talk to countless mothers, one common fear among us surfaces quite […]

Paying the Price for the Breakdown of Wisdom

Paying the Price for the Breakdown of Wisdom

Which values do you think make for a thriving and productive society? Would you say it’s things like hard work, integrity, meaningful relationships, and compassion that create a healthy and prosperous society? Or do you believe that laziness, infidelity, disrespect, and substance abuse are the […]

The Choice to be Offended

The Choice to be Offended

Everyone today seems to be offended by something or by someone…it is the latest victim-mentality of the 20-teens, or whatever we’re supposed to call this decade of the 21st Century. You know how it goes, you do or say something, whether audibly or digitally, something that might reflect your unique feeling, opinion, or perspective on something, without considering if every. single. person. within range would agree with you, and BOOM! Conditions are ripe for offense.

Unsplash - no alterations
Caleb Woods  Unsplash – no alterations

A few weeks ago my toddler and I were having lunch with friends. You know the sitch- we’re talking, laughing, eating our weight in chips and salsa, and the child decides she no longer wants to sit quietly like the perfect little cherub. I feed her chips, one of those brilliant squeezy-pouch applesauce concoctions, and all the chicken from my soup, but she wasn’t having it. Like a fighter pilot in a tailspin, she searched frantically for the emergency ejection button to her highchair, to no avail. She let out a howl here and there, but this was not what an experienced mom like me calls a four-alarm tantrum…nothing requisite of a “trip to the bathroom” or an early departure– she was moderately irritating if I had to be honest.


“Building” Self Esteem

“Building” Self Esteem

Wanna hear something crazy? When my son arrived home from school the other day he walked in the front door and without stopping or hardly completing his usual hello! and walked right out the back door. I waited a few minutes to see where he […]

New Podcast – The Way to Wisdom Episode 05 – Child Rearing

New Podcast – The Way to Wisdom Episode 05 – Child Rearing

Welcome to “The Way To Wisdom Podcast” with Tracie Dawson. A podcast dedicated finding WISDOM in the Choices We Make and the Paths We Take! Today’s Topic – Parenting (Child Rearing)  1. Subscribe in iTunes (Search “The Way to Wisdom” or plug in this URL […]