Part II “You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing…” Ps 30:11

Part II “You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing…” Ps 30:11
Entrance to the Hovde House
Entrance to the Hovde House

As we met the children at the Hovde House, a home for young victims of sexual assault, I began to witness something extraordinary.  These children did not spend their day complaining of boredom, asking to go somewhere and do SOMETHING like our children here in the states.  No, their attitudes were different…about many things….


Given to me by some of the children to thank me for coming!


On our first morning, the children were instructed to begin an art project.  They were out of school for national holidays, so they had long days to fill with minimal activities on site.  Each girl spent time and effort to produce her best artwork.  They conversed with friends, shared ideas, and used patience as they copied, most of them freehand, images from books, posters, or even pencil boxes.  When a work was complete, they took satisfaction in what they produced.  I was amazed by their diligence!

At lunch, each child sat at a table, waiting patiently for everyone to be served and then for the blessing over the food.  No one had to be reminded to wait!  After the blessing, they all ate their meal without complaining that the vegetables were gross, or that they didn’t have any ketchup.  They finished their food and ate pieces that we didn’t even know were edible!  I kid you not, they let NOTHING go to waste!  I still question what happened to the fish bones I handed over to one young girl after lunch one day!  I was amazed at their gratitude for God’s provision!

Girls doing laundry
Older girls doing laundry, my teammate Anna (adult) on the far left end

When there was work to be done, these children entered into it with joy.  Each child is responsible for their own laundry and must hand wash their clothing, rinse it, hang it to dry, and retrieve it later.  They did not complain or expect others to do it for them.  They knew their work and did it joyfully.  Yet I complain when I have to load my dishwasher twice in one day!  I get aggravated when it’s time to clean the toilets and vacuum floors!  What does this complaining say about me (us) and the condition of our hearts?


The clothes line on any given day


When a new girl arrived at the home midweek, the older girls surrounded her, comforting and introducing her to everyone, and showing her around.  I would love to show pictures of these dear girls, but for their protection and confidentiality, I cannot.  The new child was frightened and sad, but they must have each remembered their own first day, and showed great compassion!  One in particular, came alongside of the new resident and walked her through washing her clothes.  They worked side by side at the large, outdoor sinks.


I watched as the new girl held back the tears.  Her head must have been flooded with so many questions.  “Why am I here?”  “Why can’t I be home with my family?”  “What did I do to deserve being taken away?”  My heart broke and I began to cry for her and her broken heart.  I remembered the tears of many children I had to remove from homes working as a Child Protective Services worker long ago.  Now a parent, my mind has been tortured by the cries and questions of children asking me why I was taking them away from their parents.  Most never understood how hard I had worked with those parents to help them understand how their actions and addictions were severely harming their children.  Most children would endure great suffering and abuse to remain in the security of the known.  Don’t we like to stay there as well?  Don’t we cling tightly to everything we have ever known, even the harmful things?  But God sometimes has to take those things from us before He can give us something better.

Children always pay a price for the parents’ sin.  These children didn’t asked to be raped.  They didn’t ask to be impregnated at the age of ten or eleven.  They didn’t ask to be made sexual objects to be used and abused by the very adults that were responsible to give them love, care, and security.

As I watched her hold back the tears, I asked God, how can I love her right now?  When she feels alone, paying the price for someone else’s violation of her trust?  I immediately thought of Jesus washing his disciples’ feet.  It was an act of service and humility, one they couldn’t even comprehend at the moment He did it.  I thought, I could at least serve her!  I immediately walked over to her, threw my hands in the sink of dirty clothes and helped her scrub her shoes and clothes clean.  I smiled and hugged on her and spoke silent prayers over her for her broken heart, her injured body, and wounded soul.

When we finished and hung her clothes up to dry, she was led away by the young friend that had been walking her around the grounds.  I was amazed at their love and sense of community!


Me "teaching" one of the girls how to "dance my way"  ha ha
Me “teaching” one of the girls how to “dance my way” ha ha


Finally, in spite of why they all had been taken from their homes, the violence perpetrated against them that had injured their bodies and their hearts, they could still celebrate!  “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven:  a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.”  Ecclesiastes 3:1,3,4.


While we often tend to view ourselves as victims of a poor lot in life, or whatever inconveniences the enemy sets our sights on, these children viewed themselves not as victims, but as rescued!  In time, they each settled into their new surroundings, the new community they were a part of, and beautiful new season of their life began…

the time to dance.  And boy, did they DANCE!


Part III “Renewing the Mind” coming soon…I am still experimenting with podcasting or better yet, a video where I can show you more clips and give you a few amusing stories during our brief stay in this wonderful place!  Stay tuned…

1 thought on “Part II “You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing…” Ps 30:11”

  • This brings into focus the work of caring people around the world and how they can be Christ to them. These children are confused and afraid. Thank God for those working with them .

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