Letting God Be God

Letting God Be God

I must confess, I think small. I think about limitations. I focus on weaknesses rather than strengths, and I often pray puny, wimpy prayers. Why? Because I often forget who God is and what He is capable of doing. My limited thinking limits what I think and ask Him to do. It keeps Him small to me.

When things are going well, that’s not much of a problem— we don’t need much, so we don’t ask for much.

But when life comes at us, when that medical diagnosis is grim, when the resources are all spent, when that relationship is broken, the job is lost, or the enemy has surrounded us like a lion ready to attack, we need God to be bigger. We need God to be more powerful. We need to understand that He is without limits and that with Him anything is possible.


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In modern science and physics, scientists have widely accepted that the universe is continually expanding. This blows our minds. Why? Because we operate here, on earth, with physical limitations. We are limited by gravity, by the space that we occupy, by time, by what we can see and comprehend. But God is not limited.

His creation is ever expanding! His work is ever growing and bringing him glory! The farther we can see out into the MILLIONS of galaxies, one has to wonder where does it all end? Where is the point at which it must stop– no more space for expansion exists?

Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you!” Jer 32:17

But there is no ending point! There is no limitation! Being an eternal God with no beginning and no end, He is not limited by space or time. He is not limited in resources, ideas, or power. He is not limited in love or grace or forgiveness either. That blows my mind!

I simply can’t comprehend how in His wisdom He created a universe with countless galaxies out of nothing- just spoke it into existence! I can’t comprehend the knowledge and foresight it took to design earth with its endless array of vegetation, animals, and mankind all living in perfect balance!

And I can’t comprehend how He can love those who have hated Him. How He can heal sickness, disease, and dysfunction, and can take situations the enemy intended for our harm and transform it for our good! I can’t comprehend a God so big, yet so invested in our own little lives!

What is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?” Heb 2:6

I can only surmise that his work in us, is like the ever expanding, ever growing, universe. His work in us individually is always expanding, growing and developing us, and bringing Him more and more glory!

He holds the answers to our questions, the healing for our minds, bodies, and souls, the provision for our needs, and the power against our adversary! He is unlimited in spite of our limited understanding!

Let us unleash the God of the universe in our hearts and minds! Let us cast off the limits and constraints of what we have experienced and have come to expect and opt for the unexpected, the unexplained, the unlimited!

Let us let God be God- who is able to do even MORE than all we ask or can possibly even imagine!

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen!  Ephesians 3:20

How have you limited God? What areas have you resigned hope that He will being about help, health, or healing? My prayer is that we ALL will let God be God in our hearts and minds so that we can all experience the glory of His unlimited power!

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